Saturday, July 25, 2009

finally its working! yay. yummy tights + clothes. sperrys is everywhere now. Ion's topshop is so yummy, i saw the perfect pair of jeans, i hope the uk6 will come v soon. Lipork, hope you enjoyed yr meal just now. love you hehehehe.

i cannot wait to see you, jidi.


Butterfingers said...

The above shoe from topshop right! Saw it in white the other time, but no black! ]:black come out already??

Anonymous said...

hi whr you buy yr tote bag?
and how much

R▲CH said...

butterfingers, hi the black is out alrdy.

R▲CH said...

anon which tote? the one with the face? i got it at 35dollars at wooonderland. i dont think they have it anymore. ;)

Anonymous said...

hi ...i mean do you know whr to get tote bag but with no printing,