Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Rainy sunday. Boat shoes + jeans for both. Nice laksa. love you.


Anonymous said...

Hey. where you bought those jeans? Look pretty. Isit from Topshop? How much you bought it for Rach (;

R▲CH said...

hey, yeah its frm topshop. 99dollars.

Anonymous said...

hello ;)
yr hair is hair extention or real hair? if is extention can tell me how mnay and the place and price all this ?

Anonymous said...

Hey, where dyou get your boat shoes?

R▲CH said...

anon, i did it at lucky plaza, arnd 200dollars+++

R▲CH said...

anon, i got it frm "the corner shop"

Anonymous said...

whr is corner shop? i love ur shoe!!! ur bf shoe too?

R▲CH said...

my boyf's boat shoes are not frm corner shop. corner shop is located at fep. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, the hair extension thing right, can they do for just your fringe? i want really thick bangs!

Anonymous said...

tks alot rach for the info.:)

R▲CH said...

anon, hi i think its possible. but it'll be kind of funny because there will be metal clips sticking out. i think they sell the clip on ones. ;)