Thursday, October 29, 2009

i am at the shop.
and i want to tell you,
that this is very boring.


the people are just waklking in,
and out,
and in again,
and out again.

they just look arnd,
giving the "i want to buy look" ,
then they look at the price,
they give another "i think about it first look"

grrrrr, i am hungry.....
i hope someone coms up with food....


Anonymous said...

don't tell me you don do that...and that's called window shopping. And please, you're a worker there. You're suppose to SERVE the customers! OF COURSE PPL WALKS IN AND OUT OF THE SHOP. DON TELL ME YOU DON.

Amanda said...

.... Bored? Think of the money coming into your pocket. :)
Or just text me laaa..... :)

Anonymous said...

working at?

Anonymous said...

yeah, you are working at?